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Ethics for Foods Sales

Food Sales and Ethics

In third-world countries, where other moral weaknesses are found, one disease observed is that those involved in the food industry neither maintain standards nor sell clean and adulteration-free food.

Even though lawful earnings are a great blessing and cause of prosperity from Allah. Consuming unlawful food invites divine punishment and closes the doors of acceptance upon oneself. Similarly, earning money through illegitimate means is highly disliked by Allah. As mentioned in the Quran: "O you who believe! Do not consume each other's wealth unjustly." (Surah An-Nisa, 4:29).

What does it mean to consume wealth unjustly? It refers to any means of earning that has been declared unlawful by Shariah, such as earning through interest, theft, gambling, false oaths, fraudulent advocacy, betrayal, and usurpation. This also includes earning through wages for singing and music, spending one's wealth on sinful and disobedient activities, engaging in bribery, cheating in sales, selling adulterated goods, refusing to repay debts, robbery, extortion, and using intimidation to collect money.

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In the Hadith, it is mentioned: If a person earns unlawful wealth and gives it in charity, it will not be accepted; if he spends it, there will be no blessing in it; and if he leaves it behind after his death, it will be a means of entering Hell. Allah does not erase evil with evil, but He erases evil with good. Surely, impure does not erase impure. (Musnad Ahmad, 2/33, Hadith: 3672).

Earning and consuming unlawful wealth is highly disliked in the sight of Allah. The Quran states: "O you who believe! Do not consume each other's wealth unjustly." (Surah An-Nisa, 4:29). This verse has multiple meanings, including the prohibition of earning through interest, gambling, robbery, theft, betrayal, and false testimony. It forbids acquiring wealth from another person without fair compensation, and this prohibition will remain until the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said to Sa'ad: "O Sa'ad, purify your food, and you will become one whose prayers are answered. By the One in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad (peace be upon him), if a servant consumes a mouthful of unlawful food, none of his deeds are accepted for forty days, and any flesh that grows from unlawful food, the Fire is more fitting for it." (Al-Mu'jam Al-Awsat, 5/34, Hadith: 6495).

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Until our next video, goodbye.

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