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How to Get the Trade Unions Active as per the Trade Law in Pakistan? 13 Ways

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Do you feel harnessed in business employment? Are you happy with employment in trade set-ups? If you not, trade unions are the suitable cure. 


Of course, you desire satisfactory work. You desire a sufficient livelihood. With costly needs, you have to look towards employers’ sympathy. This is the true picture of the ongoing employment saga. 


Well, all that is said above can come true when the protection becomes a reality. You will find no protection until the protector is defined. Yes, your guard makes sure of your protection.  

The trade unions are the guard. These are protectors when employees are exploited. 


In Pakistan, your employment satisfaction waits for the trade unions to play a due guard-like role.

According to experts, the trade unions cannot play their due role as per the trade laws in Pakistan. Why?



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The following factors explain this why;


1. Misconception of Pakistani Businesses


In Pakistan, the management of large businesses has a negative stance regarding the presence of trade unions. They express the unions as to be a hurdle in the way of growth. Under that circumstance, you find the unions as the white elephant in the eyes of the larger set-ups. 


You would also find the owners of the said businesses maintaining unions as the redundant institutions occupied by the blackmailing leaders who do not let the company/organization grow. So, this is the first answer to why the trade unions are not working as the trade laws permit them to go on. 


2. Lack of consistent democratic culture


As a true Pakistani, you may think for the betterment of your motherland, however, the vibrant democratic culture lies at the bottom of the said above betterment. You may also long for the soft image of the country both in the hearts of all Pakistanis and in the international setup. 


Your emotions are better to be served and can bear very positive results. But, all the said above good feelings depend on the well-grown democratic culture. In Pakistan, unfortunately, a truly democratic system could not grow well due to many factors. Thus, the lack of democratic culture has negative impacts on the well-performance of the trade unions. 


3. Labor rooted attitude against Trade Unions 


You may be well versed with the fact that attitude shows personal maturity in any society. The same relevance Pakistani society builds. In the business arena, the attitude of high management is considered to be the mark of rich achievement and a direction for the employees. 


As part of the trade union relevance, the high management in the Pakistani businesses shows also the attitude that is considered to be a direction for the whole setup.


 This management confesses the positivity of the trade unions on one hand while it shows a rooted attitude towards implementations of the trade union rules on the other. Therefore, the trade unions are unable to work in a positive way. 


4. No Pro-worker change in Legal Framework


You may find the legal framework also adverse to the implementation of the trade laws. A legal framework ensures the legal proceedings to be executed in a balanced way that guarantees the following of the mutually accepted laws and the protection of all citizens of Pakistan as per the law permits. 


Unfortunately, the legal framework in Pakistan particularly concerning the business and trade laws does not guarantee any change in pro-worker conditions. It works in Pakistan but does not ensure a sense of protection and change for the workers. So, the legal framework exists merely on paper. 


5. Denial of Minimum wage concept 


In Pakistan, recently a raise in the respective monthly income of the workers is seen and the minimum wage of workers on monthly basis rose from 17000 to 20000 in the provinces whereas up to 25000 in Sindh. The employers say this raise is unilateral and one-sided. They also threatened to relocate their business if it is not revised.


Furthermore, they term the trade unions as an act of interference in their business affairs. So, this is another sad picture of the coin in its relation to the trade union. The tycoons strongly deny the minimum wage concept. On these bases and many more, the trade unions cannot work free of any discipline. 


6. Negligence to Follow Multinational companies


If following the trade laws and standards of trade unions in Pakistan is difficult as portrayed by the tycoons, you may find it as a flaw. You may see the multinational companies operating their lucrative business in Pakistan ensure the pursuit of a fair attitude towards their workers. The wages and the working environment are ensured there to be in the favor of workers. 


Therefore, saying the unions as a fork in the way of growth and a matter of interference in the business is out of the question. So, the business cartels neglect to follow the standard of the multinational companies. This is another reason why the trade unions cannot work properly in Pakistan. 


7. Dominance of Self-serving individuals


The reality that the unions cannot work in a positive way for the betterment of the workers seems relevant. In fact, the unions have teamed with those individuals who are driven by serving their own interests. They utilize the unions as a base for blackmailing. 


They influence the authorities and the management of the companies and get incentives for their own well-being. In this way, they ignore the positive change for the sake of the workers. So, the agenda of workers' betterment appear to be shallow which loses its credibility in the upcoming events. Thus, the unions are further pushed towards inefficacy. 


8. Workers betterment not being agenda


As an employee, your first objective is your own betterment at the employment. This is that the unions are hoped to meet for the employees. These trade unions have to particularly maintain their worth and trust in the hearts and minds of the employees through their sincere efforts for the welfare of the employees. 


The employees as earlier said kills their trust in the unions that are the patron of their job well-being when they see the patron of betterment as biased or self-serving instead of working for workers' agenda. In Pakistan, the betterment of the employees is not part of the prime agenda of the trade unions. As mentioned earlier, their negative role has derailed the credibility of the unions.  


9. Shrinking space for Trade Unions activism


If you are a part of a trade union and have a passion to work for the well-being of the workers, you need to be active. You have to get other employees to be aware of their rights and how these rights can be at stake. 


In this way, you need freedom of action. In Pakistan, the tycoons and barons of larger businesses remain always on the side of governments. Thus, the governments endorse their businesses as per their benefits. 


Under such a state of circumstances, operatives of agencies leave very little room for those who are active for their rights. Thus, the space for activism has shrunk that has put the trade unions in jeopardy. 


10. High Rate of Unemployment


With no option, you have to compromise. This is the sad fact of the less developed nations in the world. In Pakistan, the negative effects of unemployment can be seen everywhere. Under the said life-taking unemployment, many employees feel no options other than being exploited by their employers. 


These employers are fond of firing those who tend to be active for the workers’ rights. So, the workers thus avoid taking part in the said above activism. There may be little room for the trade unions to work due to unemployment. 


11. Lack of Ideological Leadership within trade unions


You can generate in-depth fruits in every walk of life if you enjoy ideological leadership. In Pakistan, the availability of an ideological leadership is missing. Likewise, the business and trade unions face the same awful fate. 


As said earlier, the individuals and leaders of the trade unions are self-interest-driven. Under such a scenario, the presence of an ideological leadership is not possible. Therefore, the absence of ideological leadership is another reason why the trade unions are unable to play their due role. 


12. Absence of Rethinking Of strategy


You can prosper well with the aptitude of rethinking strategy. With new ideas, your potential to work in accordance with new challenges can avail many news Opportunities. In the trade unions, a rethinking strategy for meeting new challenges could be the best option for union activism. 


But a venue like trade unions in Pakistan that is already in jeopardy cannot serve to be a base for rethinking a new strategy. Thus, the absence of rethinking about strategy has become a cause of the trade unions' malfunctioning.  


13. Discouraging Unionization 


Above all, discouraging unionization is a routine trend in Pakistan. None of the businesses, legal framework, and governments plays their role to encourage the unions to grow. That is why the deterioration of union activism is absent now a day. 


To wind up, the above-mentioned reasons have a due impact on the unions' activism. That is why you can observe the misfortune of the workers that are at the mercy of the employers. On the other hand, the trade unions will take momentum if the said root-causes are put to an end. 


But, this new momentum can be only achievable if the employers and employees work together. In the name of employees rights protection, the interference in the business growth is uncivilized that cannot be allowed.


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